Cup of Joe...

Hey all,

I don’t know if alot of you remember me or not. I figured I would drop in the ole coffee pot for a fresh cup of Joe. I’m still working on the railroad layout. (they are never done). We are adding a Atlas O gauge turntable. and a round house. Had to build a stand alone table for it by itself with a connecting bridge to the main layout. Its 2 ft in diameter. Was thinking of the wiring. I currently use MTH DCS. Is anyone here familiar with that? I want to hook the turntable up to the AIU. Any help would be appreciated.

I will say HI. I am still conventional, Sorry can’t help ya. [:(]

From your post I’m somewhat confused. I can understand having some questions regarding using MTH and wiring it to the turntable. But, I don’t understand why you want to use the AIU. Remember the AIU is used for switches and accessories. I don’t know how you would use it with a turntable. On the other hand IF you are referring to the TIU then I can understand.

If I’m doing it I would have a tracking coming to the turntable as a primary track. I would wire that just as you would any siding. Then all the various tracks going to the round house or other “dead” sidings, wire them as normal. I would then have a toggle switch for each individual track, so that I could have an engine set on any tracfk without having power on. I would use power coming off either Var 1, or Var 2 outputs from the TIU. (Would not use Fixed 1 or Fixed 2.) You really don’t need to be concerned about having too many engines on the same circuit, cause you are not going to have that many on at the same time.

As far as controlling the turntable to “stop” at various sections, I don’t know of anyway to control the alignment of the turntable with DCS.

I hope I have helped.