Current State railroad

Here is the current state of the garden line. It was too hot for 2 months, and it has become completely overgrown. I have cosmetic projects in the works.



This is hardly overgrown! It really came to life with these plantings!

Long ago, you had pondered how to make the trestle / rack railway look like a mountain. What about using a bouganvilla planted under the rack raiway and trimmed so that it becomes the mountain? They seem to thrive!


Thanks, Eric!

I like the way it looks, but it will be trimmmed back. I have ideas to dress things up, all cosmetic. I feel like the track work is already complete. Consider these pictures the " before" state. When I make progress, I’ll post " after" pictures.

The weather cooled, and I got 3 good days of operation!

I never get tired of the cog train. Running up and down, it adds a lot of visual interest. I should do something with the support tracks, but it is low maintenance the way it is. I am trimming shrubbery to tidy up the yard,and I have a few ideas that I want to test out…


Brief flirtations with ideations of a cog railway banished [:D]. I have enough going on!

Eric, I see your pictures popping up on the GR page, and your railroad looks great! You’ve got buildings and people, it’s good. I don’t think you need a cog line, you’re in good shape!
I am figuring out my next move, as far as details. Trimming the bushes shows me access corridors that must be kept open, so planning is on many different levels, not just what I would like to see on the railroad. So, careful consideration for all aspects…



Thanks. It is fun to “give back” a bit. If one family with young kids puts tracks in the dirt because of those articles, I will feel as though I “paid back” the late Tom Trigg!

We are in the process of transitioning from building our empire to perfecting and maintainig it. There are so many things you don’t know when you first start getting dirty, to include how much time you want to spend - and how much joy you derive from - maintaining it.
