Curve and Track question

I’m practicing on my old layout to get familiar with track laying and such.

My old layout was a Tyco expansion for a circle.

It’s an oval with six 18" radius 1/3 track pieces and a 9" straight section for the ends or C’s. I’m thinking of changing it to one of two set ups (I need to do road bed maintenance anyway) :

22" radius curves with 1" connector section to maintain the 45" OAL or

Taking out the straight section to just make it a true oval end or C.

I have three sons so some continous operation would help them get into trains.

I’m going to replace the track eventually so this set up is for pratice and to see if the boys are going to be into this.

There is an interior passing lane for some two train operation if I can get that operating. I’ll add a siding or two just for the pratice until I decide what kind of layout I want to make.



ok, i’m confused…


I assume you are asking for comments on what you propose doing. I don’t know what kind of roadbed maintaince you are doing but replacing 18" radius curves with 22" means not reusing your old roadbed. At least not without taking it up and relaying it because the new track won’t match the roadbed curves. I would suggest you leave out the 1" straight. Operationally it doesn’t add anything. And if you have a 4x8 foot plywood table, 44" is as big as you want. This allows the center of the track to be 2" from the edge. I would add a second oval inside the first using the 18" radius track you have. This way you can operate two trains at once. Add a couple of spurs with uncoupler ramps/magnets appropriate for your couplers. This should get you the practice you want and see if your boys are interested.
Good Luck

Thanks Ironrooster I was wondering if saving all the roadbed from the outside oval was worth it… That’s why I was wondering if the 1 inch straight was worth it to preserve the existing oval radius.

Now to lay it out on the Atlas freeware to have a plan for the restoration.

Once again thanks for the input