Custom built control panel and running wiring from layout to control panel.

I wasn’t disparaging the choice, just the reasoning. Sheldon is one who will never run DCC on his own layout, but his reasons include alredy having a top-notch wireless control system, a wiring scheme that allows him to run trains in a prototypical manner without all the toggle flipping of cab control, and no interest in on-board sound. That all makes sense, and I suppose if I had a large investment in years of building a layout that was fully operational it would be much harder to make a decision to switch.

But to say a standardized technology over 20 years old is “too new and unproven”, ummm…



Nope, not at all. But there’s a lot of Digitrax customers out there who probably never heard of CML and your thread offered me the chance to mention it. Sorry for the hijack! [:D]

PS: Don’t get on a plane … [8D]


Two great points here:

  1. The PR3 is a great way to go, and I’d forgotten to mention that. JMRI and other free software is available to control the system.

  2. Simple wiring. Exactly! Wire turnout motors back to clearly labelled points on the DS64 stationary decoder, then daisy chain the 6-wire telephone cable. Of course, the DS64s require DC power, but you can power 5 or 6 of them off a single 1A 12v-15c DC or AC transformer. Likewise, the whole panel only requires one telephone cable and one DC power supply.

Yes, it isn’ the simplest option, but there are added bonuses too:

  1. You get PC control as well as a panel;

  2. You get routing. Ie: setting a turnout halfway down a ladder in a yard can control all other turnouts required to make the route. This can be set up in the DS64 itself so that you don’t need the PC;

  3. The DS64 includes inputs which can be used to verify the turnout position electronically if you have power routing turnouts.