hi group. looking for a good professional model maker to do a strip/repaint/decal job i am considering. Kelly Duford no longer does this. thanks for any info. michael.
I am not a professional Model Maker; however, I am interested in what type of project are you needing to have done. Maybe a little better description of what you have and what you want done, would help you get more responses to your queries!
Like I said, I have never been a professional model builder, doesn’t mean I couldn’t be. Give a very good description of what you have, what you want done and how you feel it should be performed. Maybe I; or, some other modeler here on this forum would be interested in helping you out.
I still do a bit of custom building but at a reduced level so it depends on what the project is. You can email me for further details as we’re not supposed to advertise or do buisiness on this site.
thanks for the reply. my hope is to find someone who has done this. i am wanting to strip the paint from a Brass OMI MP15ac. it is painted solid Red now and need to paint it in SOO Red/White. plus decal it. [change in road #'s]. thanks for any info. regards, michael.