


I have the same problem, but I’m sorry I don’t know how to fix it either.

but can you at least get across?

No I can’t and it really gets me frustrated.

Yeah I had the same problem and I dont think there is a way to fix it. You could DL Marias Pass 3.1. I believe they fixed it in that one. But Marias Pass 3.1 has a little different main line so the AI trains dont meet sometimes and they lock you in a spot for hours or until you quit. Well good luck

Dan Larsen

Thanks, I’ll try downloading it.

I ahve ur Anwser Ok ya know where the Folders are fr each Freight Cars,I think its in the MSTS Folder Now look in the folders for USFreightCars and Etc.Now go into each Foler tehn ya should see a File for each one looks like a Note Pad Almost.Open teh each file in the Freight Car Folers Scroll down and look for a word called Break.Change the number in there from 5.1 to 10.5.This should fix ur error.:et em knwo email em at for more Help and Etc Your
Welcome,Good Luck

for the engines…what is the file extension

nvm…i got it…umm it doesnt do it in the explore

Do i do it for every freight car i DL from the web,CD’s,etc? If i stop and change every Freight car i get,that will use alot of time! Is there another, faster way?

Nope unless you dl the New Marias Pass But yes for every Freight Car that you are using have you actually changed it yet let me know please email em so I can help you better ok Thanks

I know it takes time but I did it and it works all tho I dont have my MSTS now but I still know how to do this

Ok here it is follow it as it says but instead of 5.1 change it to 10.1 mine worked altho some cars dod act strange if they do then change that car that is acting stranhe to 7.1,here ya go and good luck
ENG file
Open WordPad and open the ENG file for editing. You’ll see the Break value a few lines down on the opening screen:


Wagon ( SD40_BNSF1234
Comment ( ** Snippet from ENG file** )
Type ( Engine )
WagonShape ( SD40_BNSF1234.s )
Size ( 10ft 15ft+10in 65ft+1in )
Mass ( 176.4t )
WheelRadius ( 20in )
InertiaTensor ( Box (10ft 15ft+10in 65ft) )
Coupling (
Type ( Automatic )
Spring (
Stiffness ( 1e6N/m 5e6N/m )
Damping ( 1.2e6N/m 1.2e6N/m )
Break ( 1.6e7N 1.6e7N )
r0 ( 20cm 30cm )
Velocity ( 0.1m/s )

Edit both values so the line reads:

Break ( 5.1e7N 5.1e7N )

Save this file and repeat the process for any other locos that you’ve decided to change.

Sometimes you’ll see that the loco’s designer has made the change already.

By the way, realistic values for Break are usually set as:

Break ( 1.6e7N 1.6e7N )

or, for a loco such as an SD90MAC:

Break ( 2.4e7N 2.4e7N )

WAG file
The task for a carriage or freight wagon is similar to that above. Start WordPad and open the WAG file for the particular carriage or freight wagon. You’ll see the Break value line just a few lines down from the top of the file:


Wagon ( bnsf_fl
Comment( ** BNSF Coal Car Full Load ** )
Type ( Freight )

i just edited the path to put me over the south main.

This is a litle of subject but,if i cold,how wold i change an Acela Express in to a:
*Difrent Air brake
*Difrent Cuupler
*A difrent Type of loco.(From Elec. to deis.)
Same for Cars
Can you say it in detail!I have Not Done this Before.

like i said before you gotta have someone who knows the code…go into the eng file…find that certain stuff…and get the code

Hey Buddy did ya fix ur Coupler Problem yet let me Kno,What do you mean by Code for teh Engine File

well in the eng file…if you open it up in microsoft word or some other compatible program to read the code…you can open the file and edit the code that goes into programming all the specifiacations