Cutting Aluminum

Hi! Im trying to make some N scale turnout templates. I handlay my track with code 40 rail. The templates I have are from the May 1996 Model Railroading, and the Nov/Dec 1992 N Scale Magazine. They call for the use of .016 aluminum to make the rail gauge template. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to go about cutting the templates without bending the material, or other deformaties? Thanks for your help.

EXACTLY! All you will need are a few C-clamps, and a couple pieces of plywood. Outline your cuts on the wood, then have at it.
Good luck!
Todd C.

Rather than using aluminum, why not use “Masonite” (hardboard), or styrene? If these materials would be too thick, then you could try sandwitching the aluminum between some masonite, or plywood, tracing the needed dimensions on the wood. The extra support given thus such, will stop the aluminum from getting deformed. Do you follow what I am saying here? If not, reply back, and I’ll go into more detail.
Todd C.

I think I get what youre saying. Sandwiching the aluminum between the wood, creates a stable area to cut, and Ill have less of a chance of deforming the aluminum? That it?