Cutting mat

I have been using an x-acto self healing cutting mat for over 20 years. It has grids on it that where the lines are in different sizes making it easy to get things square.

I wound up spilling some MEK on it and most of the lines are now gone. I went looking for a replacement but apparently they don’t make the one I have anymore.

Any recommendations on a good one to buy?


I used the Alvin 36x60 and 36x72 as drafting mats at one time - I understand they are no longer made but some sizes are still available. At one time I had the big translucent version on the Hamilton lighted-top table but I only used it part of the time as the drafting machine didn’t like rolling over the edge.

They worked fine for typical trimming, paste up, and foam/card architectural modelmaking.

I always used a mat on a good flat surface, so I don’t know anything about self-healing on irregular surfaces or bumps, which some ‘craft’ mats are supposed to be able to do. I’m sure others here will know firsthand.

Been there done that, I get my 18” x 24” cutting mats from Hobby Lobby. I’m pretty rough on cutting mats, need to replace them every two years or so.


My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

I was looking at Hobby Lobby. Do you know what brand you have been using?


The one I have is Tech Tools. It seems like other sellers they change brands, the last one was a different manufacturer but both are very good quality.

I go for the 40% off and I’ve never had a bad cutting mat from Hobby Lobby.


My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

Alvin available on Amazon for $10

Walthers sells cutting mats from Excel and Faller.

The one I use at this time is labeled “American Crafts” and my wife found it at a Goodwill-type store for $1

Dave Nelson

The one I am currently usung says “Gradient” on it. I bought it at a Hobbytown USA in Brandon, Florida a few years ago.

It has held up great, and was not very expensive.


Sewing/knitting stores sell cutting mats. Wife has one. A very nice one…I must say. Really nice… Quite useful, I’m sure.

I use an 18" square chunk of 1/2" MDF. Doesn’t matter what gets spilled on it, I have four others sitting around somewhere.

For reasons I don’t recall, I picked the following Dahle 12" x 18" on Amazon (free Prime shipping) a couple of years ago. It fits nicely atop the larger desk calandar blotter I use on my desk. Just the right size for me. I usually cut against the cardboard back of an 8-1/2 x 11 tablet, so I can’t attest to how good the healing properties are.

AmazonSmile: Dahle - 10671-12580 Vantage 10671 Self-Healing Cutting Mat, 12"x18", 1/2" Grid, 5 Layers for Max Healing, Perfect for Crafts & Sewing, Black: Industrial & Scientific

Years ago, i bought a small cutting mat from an artists’ supply store, and recently got a larger one from Princess Auto at a good price. They seem to last a long time, probably because I don’t often have need of them.

Cutting of styrene sheet is score-and-snap, and cutting of styrene strip and shapes is done either on a NWSL “Chopper” or with an X-Acto on my glass work surface.
All decal cutting is done on glass, too, as it makes for very precise cuts.


Hi Rick,

I like to use the 12" x 18" X-acto self-healing mats as well (plus I have an unused one that is on standby when the current mat finally goes). My LHS still sells these same self-healing mats ( I saw a couple when I visited them last Friday, Nov 20), and I see that has these listed on their website (see their SKU #609016) so you can give that a try.



Thanks, but the one I destroyed looks like this.


I just checked Amazon.

Exacto self healing cutting pad

$30.60 free shipping for 18x24" pad available in stock now

the 24"x 36" in stock for $39.28

the 12"x 18" will be available Nov. 27 for $17.99

I have not seen the 1/4" markings in a couple years. Gee,mine also disappeared after a MEK mishap


Dahle Vantage Cutting Mat at School Outfitters

The one I have has grid lines spaced 1/16" apart with the 1/2" lines bolder. Before I accumulated a variety of tools I used it heavily for cutting, but more recently it has been used for squaring up and measuring. I think I am just going to keep using what I have for the occasional cutting and get a glueing jig and a duplicatling jig. Projects will turn out better that way.


I will agree with looking at fabrics and crafts stores if worse comes. The quilting mats are designed to handle rotary cutters which are as sharp as hobby knives.

Here is my mat. I guess I am happy I got 25 years out of it.

BTW - it didn’t look anywhere near this bad until the encounter with the MEK!

My local hobby shop sells Excel self-healing mats. Plan to pick one up soon.