What is the Scanner Frequency for the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad near Cleveland Ohio?
Also, where is this place where you can chase the train along the tracks from this road, basically in this whole video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqqrjYRC1Rc? This is not my video.
What a good video! It is filmed alongside Riverview Road, going northbound from about Ira Road (the stop for Hale Farm & Village) to SR 303 in Peninsula, Ohio. About midway the road crosses the track from one side to the other, so you have to either beat the train to that crossing or wait for it to pass.
I also enjoyed the youtube links to other action on the CVL.
No, I didn’t get to see the Circus Train. It came to late for me to go and see it. Also, thanks for the info. I looked at maps and thought I thought the train was going southbound but your right, it’s actually going northbound.
What milepost is Rockside Road Station at? What milepost is Fitzwater Railyard at? What milepost is Boston Mills Station at? What milepost is Peninsula Station at, and so on?
The reason I’m asking all these questions about where each milepost is at on the CVSR System, is because I want to know if each milepost increases going South to North or if it decreases going North to South?
Wasn’t it Casey Stengel who said “You could look it up”? Well, I looked it up. According to my copy of B&O’s May 22, 1927 System Time Tables, the route in question is mileposted (is that a word?) from Cleveland south.
The B&O’s downtown Cleveland depot (still standing) is milepost 0.0.
“Willow” is MP 8.3, Thornburgh 9.8, South Park 10.8, Alexander’s 13.1 (I think that’s Fitzwater Road), Brecksville 15.8, Jaite 18.2, Boston Mill 20.1, Peninsula 21.7, Everett 24.6 (where your pacing video posted started), Ira 26.3, Botzum 27.8, Old Portage 30.4 (Merriman Road), Akron-Howard Street 34.3, Akron Junction 35.7, Akron Union Depot 36.9. The line is shown as continuing on to Canton, Mineral City, Dover, Cambridge, and ending at Marrietta.
This schedule shows five passenger trains daily in each direction between Cleveland and Akron. Who else wishes he could spend a beautiful October day in 1927 riding behind steam in the Parlor Car of B&O #32, leaving Cleveland at 9:35 am and arriving at Marietta on the Ohio River at 5:25pm?
What on earth is better than autumn’s colorful leaves, steam locomotives, and whistles?
The current Thornburgh crossing is on Rockside road. That should put the old SouthPark station about 1 mile south of Rockside. It is not listed in the original guide to the Valley railroad. (1880) RL