Of all the Digitrax systems, the Zephyr is the only one where you can use your present power packs (non-pulse power dc). But first, a little history.
When Digitrax first entered the market, compared to some companies, it’s dcc wasn’t one of the easiest to use. It was one of those deals where you had a throttle that did all things with only a couple of keys. So to change or modify or program the routine felt something like this. And the instructions would read: “Okay press this button, chant Ummmm, do the hokey pokey, turn around twice, and pu***his button. Now you’ve program the…”
So maybe I exaggerate a bit, but not by much. Yet even though it was not a system for dummies, people snapped it up. Why? Because Digitrax was so feature laden, no software upgrades, and everything just about was interchangeable with everything else; so out the door they flew. But there was a problem.
Dummies like me also bought them. And after we bought them, we didn’t do our homework so well, and consequently we whined and complained about how other systems were much easier, and you didn’t have to do the hokey pokey with them. And lo and behold, Digitrax listened. A variety of throttles for dummies came out. And so the three wise men, who were very wise in matters spiritual, but weren’t so hot in matters electronic, could actually use the new throttles (cabs).
But Digitrax went one step further. They hired an electronic wise man, and were curious as to what he had to say. He said: “Verily I say unto you, dcc still looks too complicated to the average ***. So we need to put out a system that looks and feels like the old power packs, can use old power packs for throttles, and is much easier to use.”
Well, one night as he was pondering what the system would look like, he looked into the sky and saw “The Star.” Being a wise man, he was programmed to follow “The Star.” He travelled three days and nights, and on the third night he came upon a manger. A