The physical size of the layout does not matter. The CW80 will output up to 5A. It is designed to run one Lionel engine, a few accessories and some illuminated cars. Incandescent bulbs are your enemy. Most draw 150 or 250 mA, so 4 passenger cars with two bulbs each are drawing 1A. If they have LED lighting the current draw is minimal.
Welcome aboard napo3575!
Physical size of the layout is not a factor, although distance can be. If there are parts of your layout that will be a long physical distance apart from the initial power connection you should add power feeds at regular intervals as real railroads do. I recommend a 14-18 AWG power bus with feed taps to the track every 5-10’.
You could have a locomotive with a single can motor pulling three cars running on a few hundred feet of track and you wouldn’t tax a CW80(just watch for power drop along the track, run extra wires as mentioned).
You could have a small oval on your living room floor and you’d probably be pushing the limits of a CW80 if you have a postwar Lionel dual motored diesel with a dozen cars behind it.