Last night I wired a Lionel whistle control button in the wrong direction to the CW 80, when I tried it, it knocked out the power of the transformer. The transformer didn’t control the whistle and the train came with this switch. I get no light no power at all. Can this be repaired or is it junk?
I’m curious as to why you wired a whistle control button to a CW80, which already has a whistle button. Are you running older tenders that need more DC current?
I’m asking because I was recently informed that post war whistle tenders will not whistle properly with a CW80 because the tranformer does not put out a strong enough DC when the whistle button is used.
JIM I guess that is why. I tried it just with the CW80 and it did not work.
Laz - did the relay pull in? I think the Post War Txfrmrs added additional AC voltage to the tracks since the tender whistle motors are AC. The new Txfrmrs don’t do this.
I believe Lionel is replacing these CW 80s - no questions asked if they fall within a specific manufacturing run. I think Chiefie knows all about this…
Several pages back there is a thread on the CW-80. Also on the OGR forum Dale Manquen has done some ground breaking research on the infamous CW-80.
Try these links, for starters. They will let you know where to start.
In answer to your original question, in my biased opinion, they are junk if you want to do anything more creative than just running the new train set they came with. The good side is that they are readily available on E-bay for around $40.00 or so, should you need to replace one.
Good luck,
Thanks for the info. I took the case off peeled back the shrink wrap and found a blown fuse. Hope to get one at radio shack?
Laz, the fuse is an 8 amp one. It has pigtail connections(makes it easier to connect in line). I don’t think Radio Shack sells those. Also, if that fuse is blown, the triac that controls the track voltage is probably shorted. I do suggest that you read the threads on the OGR Forum, as Dale Manquen has done a VERY complete analysis of this (IMHO) VERY poorly designed train transformer.
THANKS WIIPICK, I will chwck it out.
Can I use a regular 8 amp fuse?
If that does not work, call Lionel and tell them you hav a CW80 that crashed [no details needed]. They will ship you another free.
CHIEF is that what you did?
Yes. It started acting like a short was on the track and there was not one. I called the Customer Service [crazy hours and days, never could understand why Lionel could not furnish CS 5 or 6 days a week], told them it was acting up, they said cut the cord and shipped another one. Kept old one for powering accessories as nothing wrong with that side of transformer. They had trouble with the ones with a date of 8/04 on the bottom side of the transformer as well as other runs. No grief at all.
Thanks CHIEF iI’ll give them a call tonight or tomorrow.
I’m going to try and replace the fuse, don’t know if I can get one with the pigtails on it but will try and solder on a regular 8 amp fuse.
You might find it hard to solder to the fuse without melting the fuse element. Radio shack has a fuse holder for $1.59:
If there is not enough room for the entire holder, you could break the clips off the plastic and put shrink tubing around the fuse and clips to hold them together.
I just took the pig tail ends or holders off the old fuse. I thought it was one unit but they did come off with alittle heat. Thanks again and I will try it probably tomorrow. I have golf tonight. Let you know how it works.
Just got done replacing the fuse on the CW80 transformer and all is working great. Couldn’t get a 8 amp slow blow fuse so put a 5 amp in instead. Only going to run one train and a few accessories all is well. Tried everything and no problems. Thanks again for all the information. You guys rock.