On another thread (NS “Lawmen”) http://cs.trains.com/trccs/forums/t/178160.aspx there is posted an NS Corporate sponsored video.
In that video (apparently filmed in fornt of the NS RR’s Atlanta Office Building) is a large picture window in the back ground, showing in that window, is the replica locomotive, ‘Best Friend of Charleston’ (nee; of the Southern Railway’s Charleston&Southern RR. It is displayed in fron of what appears to be a very new, very clean Modern NS diesel Locomotive.
Several years ago, The ‘Best Fried of Charleston’ and its train was housed in the City of Charleston’s (S.C.) Downtown Visitor Center, and open for infrequent display there.
Another Thread with a post by Don ( Oltmannd) mentioned that the Best Friend was on display in Atlanta. ( At the D.R.Goode Center/Office Building).
; Apparently, the Best Friend is not alone, in the video, there appears to be a new diesel locomotive displayed behind the Best Friend. If that is the case, It is certainly a notable display for an Office Buildings Lobby
I have not been able to find a link or photos of this unique display of railroad power, past and present; anywhere, and none of the DR Goode Office Center .
Maybe someone might have pictures of the NS Office Bldg or pictures of the displays. I’d guess their display here would be very interesting, Thanks!
This the link to the item on the Best Friend, Don had posted: