David Gunn should replace Norm Mineta

However unlikely, it would be one way to move Amtrak back on the front burner, where it belongs. And get a real “train guy” into a position where he could actually affect some change without having his hands tied.

But it probably won’t happen because it makes too much sense.

He’s not a yes man. He’ll be to out spoken. Won’t happen, but it would be a good job for him.

He should, but he’s too real for the fantasyland of politics, where appearances trump accomplishing anything.

He certainly would make things interesting, and he may even accomplish some things that he couldn’t do at Amtrak. Wouldn’t it be something if he made Amtrak a lean mean fightin’ machine?

He’s not just a “train guy”, he’s a company man and knows how to run any organization, corperation, or company in an efficiant way. He would be great for the job.

Feds should Fine Both UP and CSX 300 Million each for making trains late over past 3 Years to give the money to Amtrak for New Cars . That will Teach the railroad don’t mess with Amtrak. Hurt Them where it Hurts the Most in the Pocket Book.[2c]

…David Gunn and his ability would be a perfect fit for the job…but we know the President would not allow his {Dave’s}, ability to work freely so it’s a non starter.

The reality is that cabinet secretaries work for the President, not for their departments.

  1. The job of a politician is to win votes
  2. Unfortunately, there are no votes in Amtrak
  3. The job of a cabinet secretary is to reflect and implement the policy of the administration. Independent thinking and initiative are definitely disqualifiers. No president wants to risk having a loose cannon working under him.

Despite lip service to the contrary – “we’re going to pick the most qualified person” – I’m not certain that professional expertise and experience has ever had anything to do with choosing a cabinet secretary except maybe for the AG. Political skill and reliability do. American presidents have been pretty consistent in following this rule.

Frankly, I think Mineta did a credible job as Transportation secretary, especially his actions during and after 9/11. The fact that he wasn’t biased towards railroads and Amtrak in particular seems to have rankled a lot of people here.

Well that would be a shocker. The President gets Gunn fired from Amtrak only to hire him a few months laters as the Transportation Secretary. Hard to imagine even in a fantasy world.

Dave Gunn has a dual US and Canada citizenship, the latter obtained when he was running the Toronto transit operation. Born in the US, but raised in Nova Scotia, he earned his degrees at Harvard, was a reserve officer in the US Navy and most of his working career was in the US. He now makes his home in Nova Scotia. One may wonder if some in the US Senate would have a problem voting to confirm a citizen of a foreign country to a cabinet secretary position.

Not that there is a chance of a snowball in Washington in August that he would be asked.

I think it was the fact that he seemed biased AGAINTS Amtrack that got so many people ticked off.
