Does anyone have any experience running DCC with the Life-like Power Loc track. I have a mdest 4 X 7 HO layout with about 40’ of track and four terminal rerailers and can run two locos and one switcher. I’m thinking of changing over to the Digtrax Zephyr DCC system which I understand should be able to power the locos and the switcher. Any advice? Pitfalls? Things to watch out for?
Well, I don’t have any experience with Life-like Power Loc track in particular, but in general, track joints can be a source of electrical problems. Many folks suggest feeders to each section of track, although they are referring to flex track and not sectional. Others suggest soldering track joints, which again probably isn’t practical in your case.
That said, if the four sets of feeders you use work well with DC, there isn’t any reason they wouldn’t work equally well with DCC. My advice would be to go for it, and if you can eventually work in more feeders, so much the better.
As for the Zephyr, it’s an excellent choice (the best, in my book) that can easily handle two locos and a switcher, as long as they are fairly recent models and not some old, current-guzzling monsters. It has a good feature set, good price, and you’ll never outgrow it because to expand you simply plug into your existing LocoNet.
I have yet to have a short using the Power-Loc track.
Each section of power lock track includes securely fastened metals contacts on each end. So other than the initial wiring connection, no other soldering should be necessary on a 4x7.
Maybe, maybe not. You might need more terminal sections. I initially set up a simpel 4x8 oval test track with Bachmann EZ-Track and with 2 power connections equally spaced around the oval, I had power problems. Even int he good old days of our family room 4x8 with regualr Atlas track, we had 4 power feeds around the 4x8 oval, plus more for the various sidings that had toggles to turn off the power and park a train. The electricla connection system of the LL track does seem better than bachmanns, maybe it won’t be a problem. If your trains run fine with DC and don;t slow or stall at the points furthest fromt he power feed, it will be ok with DCC.
Thanks, it sounds like there are no fundamental problems which argue against DCC with the track. I plan on purchasing new decoder-equipped locomotives and, based on your advice, probably add at least two more power feeds and upgrade the wiring by relocating the bus and using more 16 gauge wire. I think that I may have too long a run of 20 gauge from where the bus is now located to two of the existing terminal rerailers.