what is the best controller for money and easy to set up
The issue here isn’t what’s best, it is what’s best for you. And only you can decide. Read up on the various systems and their features. Do they have what your want?
Both Digitrax and NCE have expandable starter systems with street prices af about $150. MRC and Bachmann have systems for less but are genreally thought to be inferior to Digitrx or NCE. Other quality systems are available from Lenz and Easy DCC and perhaps others but I am not familiar with them.
Most important, I believe, is trying them out. How easy are they FOR YOU to use–running trains and programming decoders? How does the throttle feel in your hand? Another improtant consideration is what do other modelers in your area use? If you are the only person in the area that uses brand x and everyone else uses brand z, those folks might not be of much help answering your brand x questions.
Good luck,
ahh, but he asks, what is the best controller for the money, which may not be a starter system.
A starter system may be the least expensive, but not necessarily the best value.
If you talk to anyone about DCC and ask that question - which is best!
They will reply - “The one I am using”!
Because they will NEVER tell you the one THEY chose is JUNK!
You need to try them all out and then decide which company/brand you like.
Then begin compairing prices between the various systems that MFG has available.
Then and only then - YOU have to decide how much you want to spend.
BOB H - Clarion, PA
Boy, this question has started firestorms before.
Below is one link from a Google search.
Do some research.
Stay away from the Bachmann EZ Command. Maybe $50.00 on ebay but very basic, old school system. The Dynamis is infra red wireless but here can be issues with the infra red.
NCE and Digitrax are quite popular.
You can even control locos with a smart phone. Don’t remember the name of the system.