DCC Decoders

I have a Atlas Duo-Pack,I have one digitrax decoder,paid $12.00 for it and it seems to be working good so far.I’m wanting to know is there any other,brands with more functions,than digitrax DH121,for the about same price.???thanks

I’ve been using the TCS T-1 decoder. Usually runs between 12- 15 dollars. But it is a two function decoder. The NCE D13 is a four function decoder running around 15-17 bucks but thats without a harness. Both of these decoders have performed very well for me. Any decoder with more than two functions always results in a higher price though.

thanks for the tip, pennsy58.later on i might deside to run sound,or ditch lights.I would like to be-able to run my locos engine,reglur overhead lights,ditch lights,and have the lights flash,or somthingand have sound too.but I dont know what kind of decoder that can do this,do YOU Know which one has thease options,if so let me know thanks.