hi, installed a Soundtrax #852002 decoder on my MRC controlled layout. Tested and ran loco on Loco #3 all perfect. Took loco to friends( whos layout is controlled with Digitrax) for running night and set loco to its address of #3509 and ran all night no probs.
Took home and a few days later used loco and the directional lights would not come on in either direction. Plus, when I turned on light function key 0 I lost all control of my loco. Turned light function key off and control returns. Remember my layout is controlled with MRC.
This happened to me on my own Digitrax system. I had a new Athearn RTR sound locomotive, set it up with JMRI, ran it for about 30 minutes and shut it down. Next day turned it on and lights wouldn’t work. Reset it and set it up again, ran fine ever since.