DCC Equipped Locos on DC layout Questions

Hello all,

Fairly new to the hobby so please bear with me… I am interested in a few DCC equipped locomotives for my DC layout. Specifically bachman GP7 with DCC , and maybe some stuff from the spectrum line. I know these are DC compatible. However, I have heard a lot of talk about choosing the correct power pack and to watch out for “pulse power packs”? My power pack choices would be any of the MRC Tech 4 series packs? Are these power packs a bad choice for DCC locos? Will the Bachman locos run well with this power pack? If I remove the Decoder and add the jumper (that I heard was supplied) will this make the locomotive strictly a DC engine with no problems with pulse power? Sorry for the lack of knowledge but when it comes to wiring and electrical know-how I am in the dark.

removing the decoder and installing the jumper will simply make the loco DC only and is the best method. The main reason is that with the decoder out of the picture the loco will start at a lower voltage and have a higher max speed. You would probably be fine with the Tech 4 running decoders. If it’s pulsed there is a possibility the decoder will think the pulse is a dcc signal and not operate. If that happened you would have to remove the deoder.

I would remove the decoder before running on DC.

I looked up my favorite online e-tailer hobby shop’s listing for the Bachmann GP7 and saw NO MENTION of a jumper for going DC.

I have one of the GP7 DCC OnBoard and it did NOT come with any extras so I don’t know where that came from.

It also does not say it has a “two way decoder” desinged to supposedly run on DC as well as DCC with or without flipping an internal switch.

I also believe Bachman solders in their decoders, which you are free to remove if you want to solder it for DC.

Why not just buy a DCC ready Plug N Play that already HAS the jumper in it for DC and where you need to buy the DCC Decoder to make it DCC??

Here is a page of Athearns that are plug and play but DC equiped as sits {ignore the GP9’s then}:


When I converted to DCC, I scrapped all my DC locos, even though my DCC controler can run 1 DC loco. I didn’t want to risk frying anything, and I can fry a toaster taking it out of the box.


If you’re going to purchase DCC equipped locomotives, you should also get a DCC system to run them. It’s possible to connect both DC and DCC systems to a layout and use a toggle switch to change between the two modes of operation.

DCC equipped locos are usually factory-programmed to run on a DC layout if they have a “dual mode” decoder in them, which practically every decoder made today supports.