DCC Group


Really helpful files and some very interesting discussions!!!

As this group has been closed, I have opened a new group with a similiar philosophy on Yahoo groups: DCCforFun@yahoogroups.com. Please note that this group is for DCC discussion, not personal attacks on other humans. Hopefully this group will develop into a useful forum, but at this point it needs a few members. So please join!


To get people involved in the new one, you need to advertise it. Now probably the majority of those who subscribed don’t know why the other one shut down. So advertise it something like this:

“This is to inform those who subscribed to dcc4all that the list has changed to … The spirit of this new dcc forum is the same as the old one, but since the old one no longer exists, the new one has been created to provide comprehensive answers to dcc users questions. The site is not company specific so anyone owning, or thinking of owning a dcc system can ask there questions there.”

I wouldn’t go into more specifics.


Really helpful files and some very interesting discussions!!!

As this group has been closed, I have opened a new group with a similiar philosophy on Yahoo groups: DCCforFun@yahoogroups.com. Please note that this group is for DCC discussion, not personal attacks on other humans. Hopefully this group will develop into a useful forum, but at this point it needs a few members. So please join!


To get people involved in the new one, you need to advertise it. Now probably the majority of those who subscribed don’t know why the other one shut down. So advertise it something like this:

“This is to inform those who subscribed to dcc4all that the list has changed to … The spirit of this new dcc forum is the same as the old one, but since the old one no longer exists, the new one has been created to provide comprehensive answers to dcc users questions. The site is not company specific so anyone owning, or thinking of owning a dcc system can ask there questions there.”

I wouldn’t go into more specifics.