Hi I just got a atlas duo-pack,and I have digitrax decoder,last night I installed,the decoder in my atlas loco,and hooked the dcc up, to the track,and programed the decoder,and it worked,the loco ran,but the rear light was burning when the loco was going foward,so I switched the wires on the motor,changed polarity,and I tried it to day and it want do anything,I keep getting error code,Er2,and then Er9,I have the manual for the dcc comander,but cant seem to make sence of it all.is there anything anyone can tell me to get it fixed.thanks[V][V][V]
I’ll reply to myown topic,I fixed the problem,seems my loco was lost in the dcc,on the first,decoder program,I made it r 1in the first stack, but its gone.now I have reprogramed it in stack 3-or 8 I think,and the loco is now r 2 I think,well somthiung like that,I’m just learning.any tips welcome.thanks