I,m interested in what would be the best HO DCC friendly turnouts available in the market place. Also, I would like to know if there are any self contained turnouts with decoders or decoders that can be added such as with some locomotives? My thought is that if commands are sent through the rails to trains, why not to to a turnout? I am trying to reduce the amount wiring that seems to be needed otherwise. I would appreciate any thoughts on this subject.
Doesn’t the Marklin Central Station allow controls of signals and turnout from the same centre?
Several brands of turnouts are DCC Friendly - Atlas/Walthers/Micro-Engineering/Pilz all are examples.
As far as decoders for the actual turnout. Most turnouts do not come with a switch motor, and most DCC ‘stationary’ decoders for switch motors are seperate from the actual turnout or the switch motor.
I for one do NOT want to send anything down the track unless it is track power or commands for the trains. Sucking power off of the track to operate a twin coil switch machine will cause power problems. When even in DC operation, it is usually suggested that the power for the switch motors not come off of the track power.
Most ‘stationary’ decoders are setup to handle from 2-4 turnouts, and can be jumpered or programmed for various types of switch motors(stall/lead screw/twin coil).