DCC Idler Car

In a past issue, some company advertised a idler car that the couplers were DCC controled. If I remember correctly, you would send in any freight car and they would install the DCC and mechanical stuff. I have looked thru most of my magazines and cannot find it. Anyone remember what month it appeared or the name of the company?

Here are some results from a Google search. Have fun.



Interesting. I was wondering how they did that.

What does that run in cost??

At Tony’s, per the article, 99.95 kit form, 159.95 installed.

I did the google search as suggested but couldn’t find anything. The one I saw in the Mag is a self contained in a standard boxcar. The one everyone suggested from Tony’s fits in a Diesel switcher. If i remember correctly you could send in you car (if you wanted in something you own that special to you) or they would sell you the DCC uncoupler in a car of their choice.

So, gentlemen any other ideas on how to find this company?

i’ve got one. it’s a 40’ athearn box with and uncoupler unit at each end. it was $69.95 for working couplers at both ends and $49.95 with only one. that included the car. you could send them one of your cars and they would install the decoder and solenoids which would lower the cost. it works off the function keys on your controller. one end works on function key #3 and the other end is key #4. i have my car programed with the same address of the loco that i use it with. it was advertised in mr. i’m looking for the paperwork. when i find it i’ll add it to this post.

found it. it’s in july 2007 issue in the product reviews section. manufactured by system five-o. go to search in mr. type in dcc uncoupling car.

find it here


I have 2 cabeese and 2 boxcars. They are very neat and work well. He also does engines (unpowered B units).