DCC installation in Bachmann Thomas.

Hi, I would like to know how to add a DCC decoder in a Bachmann Thomas. I’m going to use a Bachmann/Lenz Decoder.

Not being into DCC, I can’t help you.

OTOH, the folks who prowl the new DCC and Electronics forum just love this kind of question. You might want to post it over there and see what answers you get.

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)

Thomas does not have much spare room for a decoder, less than Percy actually. As I recall, I used an n-scale decoder in Thomas and a Digitrax DH123 in Percy. The installation is pretty straight forward but there is no DCC socket so it will be a “hard-wire” job, which means you will be soldering all your connections and splices unless you decide to wire in a harness and there isn’t much room. The motor is a spectrum motor and is isolated from the frame, so that makes installation easier. You do not need the small electronics board in the engine, there are no lights, it is designed to limit voltage to the motor and the decoder will do that for you.

You will have to disassemble the loco and you should take care not to bend the electrical contacts that rest up against the wheels. When re-assembling the loco, make sure the electrical contacts are adjusted to touch the wheels AT ALL TIMES. There is lateral play in the wheel sets and the contacts must be adjusted to remain in contact with both tis true for all the Thomas line). The contacts also need to be cleaned regularly.

Good luck