I’m getting back into the hobby after many years, and I’m a it confused about the capacity of the NCE DCC systems. My n scale layout will be used to continuously run trains - not a lot of switching. I will run mostly two trains at once but would like to have the capacity for three. This tens to make me think the Powercab is sufficient. However, my total run length of track will be somewhere around 100 ft. Does this total length exceed the capacity of the Powercab system? Do I need a booster or a larger system? I appreciate your guidance!
How is that 100 feet of track arranged? If it’s one long straight main line 100 feet from end to end, then you MIGHT need a booster. If it’s 100 feet of track in a say 6x10 layout, you should be fine. Current draw of N scale locos is low, so unless you use telephone wire for the main power bus, it would be fine.
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I use NCE for my N Scale layout. I have a double mainline with each about 50 feet. I run two trains, with a total of four locomotives at the same time, and I have never had any power issues. I think you should be fine, but maybe someone else will know better.
I’ve been told that the length of run doesn’t matter much as long as you have enough feeders. The number of locos is what puts the draw on the system. In HO, 3 sound locos is about the limit (ask how I know) non sound it can handle a couple more. N scale should be able to handle three easily with or without sound.
The NCE Power Cab manual says that an NCE P114 (1.7 amps, 2 amps peak) is the power supply included with the Power Cab. It is curious that your Power Cab came with a 1.35 amp wall wart.
I believe the bumped it up on newer ones, since it was determined the booster components were good for a little more power without overheating or being damaged. Mine says 13.8V DC 1.8A