How does one set up and operate an E7 A and B unit that both have DCC and sound?
I had my E7 A-A set up to run together. These were the new run Limited Edition Proto with the QSI.
I dont have the exact CV values on hand, however I posted about this in another thread lost to the mists of time on these forums.
One is the lead engine the other is a rear helper. Both have a different number and are consisted in my DCS 200 Chief knows thier names. Calling up the lead engine on the DT400 results in the A-A being ready to go.
Edit Found it:
Keep in mind the dropshots video link is now pernamently dead. The site does not do a good job keeping the videos in real time. They play it back so fast the trains zoom across at 1000 scale mph. Back to photobucket or something I guess.
I have a pair of A-B F7’s that make a ABBA unit. They are consisted as a A-B pair and then re-consisted again within itself forming a mega unit. The bell, whistle and lights are shut off on the B units while the one A has rear assigned and the other A as the lead.
Finally one set runs on RTC and the other set is configured to accept STC.
Although DCC engines and DCC systems are all compatable, there are subtle differences in the way things are done. It would probably be easier to describe specific aspects of consisting if we knew what kind of DCC system you have.
Ummm, I guess I don’t understand the question. Put them on the track call up channel 3 and run them. If the units are always going to be together you could program them to the same channel number other than 3. If they could be used separately then you want to program them to different channel numbers and use the command unit to “double head” or “MU” them together. Depending on the system, an MU might automatically only light the headlamp, horn, bell etc of the lead unit. This would also depend on the sound systems having fairly “standard” assignments for the functions.
If you have a DCC system that supports Advanced Consisting, such as the NCE ProCab, it’s very easy to set up a consist. The NCE manual tells you how. Look at the instruction manual that came with your DCC system, whatever it is, and see if it supports Advanced Consisting and how to do it. If not, your only hope may be to give both locomotives the same address and fiddle around a lot with various CVs to turn the bell, horn, and lights off on the trailing unit in accordance with the QSI Technical Reference Manual, which can be downloaded from Broadway Limited or other manufacturers that use the QSI decoders.
It occured to me that some manufacters insist on selling a A unit with DCC and Sound while the B unit is not equiptted at all, a dummy. Deadweight.
We have not learned more about what control system is involved here. Once we understand this, you may get very precise information to your question.
My consist has one address:
Very nice Wolfgang!
Particularly the Tower Video.
Here is my set re-uploaded:
Nice videos to both of you. Are the E-7’s new? I want, I mean need, E-8’s for my C&O layout. I like the smooth starts and slow running of locos. Are they brand new and will they break-in for better performance, or have they already been broken-in? I’m too picky but I noticed a little jerk as they began to move. Nice details though.
The SOO Mars light looks great. I don’t know if that is exactly what the prototype looks like, but having never seen one, it looks right to me. Yeah, I’m picky about that too. haha
My E7’s were A-A units from Proto with QSI. Walthers show them as Limited run I think off hand the road number was 1428 and 1424 but not certain.
I had trouble with the surging between both units fighting each other on RTC (Regulated throttle) so I set both of them on STC, standard throttle control which is extremly close to having two old style Athearn BB analog units without DCC.
I think Wolfgang fell in love with the SOO some time ago on another thread, not sure.
I have a ABBA set that I will upload eventually. Im still picking at the CV’s on those 4 units. (BLI F7’s)
I wanted the E8/9’s but Proto is too dumb and refused to make the B&O B units powered. I dont believe in dummy units. The engines must earn thier keep, not be a 3 pound deadweight. Memories of a trainset dummy B unit stalling a 4 car train on level track is still fresh after 25 years. I was told to get the slightly cheaper dummy because the powered one cost too much… what was it then? 20 dollars? No. All engines will earn keep on the main.
For my SOO Line ABA consist I need to rework with the decoder speed curve. They are new and I’ve only changed the address. [:)]
Yes, my SOO trip started with the Dolly Sisters.
Here is the BLI F7’s in the ABBA exercising on the Kato Number 6 switch.
It is rather long. You will notice the engine facing you dont have it’s headlight on. That is because that one is the rear helper and has not yet been correctly configured as such. I consider the whole thing one engine.