I have a 6x11 folded dog-bone (less than 50 square ft.) and am using a Lenz LV100 system. I am modeling a freelance branch line with no major yard (just a passing track and a siding with a single engine house). Having such a small(er) layout, I don’t see the need for a second power district.
I know a DCC command station should be on one end with the power bus running the length of the layout. However, with my folded dog bone, the middle of the layout is the most convenient place to locate it. It’s where I will stand and has the best access under the bench-work.
Would it be unwise to run my power-bus from the command station to a terminal strip, then have the bus “T” running to each end of the bone? If each leg of the “T” had a circuit breaker or auto-light bulb, would that make it “safer”?
Running your power bus as a “T” is actually a better idea than trying to run it in a loop. Just be careful to keep the polarity of the wiring the same on both sides of the T.
I run mine with the station in the middle of a (slightly larger) T as you suggest, and it works just fine. Nothing wrong with using a breaker or bulb, but with the size of your layout, it won’t be difficult to find where a short is anyway.
The “T” is fine for a buss (my DCC system is in the middle of my layout). The reason for having power districts is so that a short (or other problem) in one area does not shut down the whole layout. If you only have one loco running at a time, you only need one power district for the whole layout. If you run more than one loco (or consist); it is “best” to have multiple power districts so that a problem in one district will allow the rest of the layout to continue operations while you fix the problem.
I personally do not like to see more than about 2 amps flowing in a shorted condition due to possible problems with overheating caused by the short. I have eight power districts; all “protected” by tail light bulbs.
Thanks for the replies. I ran down to RadioShack to pick up a terminal strip. The guy there had no idea what I was talking about but I found them in the back corner of the store. I felt like I was buying porn.