DCC Question: Best DCC equipped loco's?

I like regular Bachmann loco’s, but have heard some people refer to Bachmann as Grade-D junk, but I have also heard the Spectrum series are DCC equipped and are pretty good quality. I am looking probably for a CSX Dash-8 to be an all-purpose loco until my budget recoops from the purchase of the Digitrax Zephyer and this hopefully Dash-8 that will allow me Since I want a Dash-8 and a DCC system, I figure this is the way to go. Any advice on which locos to go with and brands to stay away from. I am going to go DCC, I am 98% sure so I am building up a price list for my hopeful purchases so I can maybe beat my dad out of a few bucks. Thanks in advance, beegle55.

About the only ones that I have read many people gnash their teeth over during the past six months are the Athearn locos. I forget which ones they have, NCE or MRC, (sorry, one or the other [:I]). Other manufacturers seem to use good decoders. Spectrum has just announced their sound line of DCC locomotives, so if their diesels are generally a good bet…

Atlas and Walthers P2K line are both good, and there is always the BLI with QSI decoders which are usually very good. It is two principle problems with decoders: how easily programmed they are with a given system or setup, but also how good the original sound files were. It seems to be hit and miss with horns, bells, brake sounds, dynamic brakes, etc.

Thanks for the reply. I like Bachmann, so it looks like a CSX Dash 8 Spectrum unit with sound (if budget allows) would be a good choice right now.


The Athearn Genesis locos have the MRC decoder [xx(] in them. The NCE decoders are good. I use the NCE Silent Running decoders. Mine are only 2 function but that’s all I need.

The Athearn Genesis locomotives use MRC Brilliance Sound decoders. They (the MRC Brilliance Sound decoders) are terrible in every sense of the word (programming, motor control, sound quality). NCE are among my favorite.

Thanks. I new it was Athearn, but not being a diesel fan, I was unsure of the decoder. I was sure one of you fellas would jump in to defend the good one. [:)]

Athearn uses MRC decoders and sound systems, which, as a general rule, are being replaced with a different brand by most users.

Bachmann is using SoundTraxx Tsunami sound systems in their newer releases. I have a Tsunami Heavy Steam decoder in an IHC 2-10-2 and it has excellent sound.

Tower55 is using the new Digitrax SoundFX sound decoder, which is very good. Kato Kobo, if they are ever released, are scheduled to use the Digitrax SoundFX.

Proto 2000, Lionel, and Broadway Limited have been using the QSI sound decoder, which is one of the best.

BLI has recently developed their own sound system for use in their Blue Line products, which are cheaper because they don’t have to pay the QSI licensing fee.

Some manufactuers are using the ESU LokSound decoder. I haven’t heard one of these but have read nothing bad about them other than their choice of a 100 Ohm speaker instead of the 8 Ohm that everyone else uses.

Just 2 years ago, we had only 3 choices – MRC, SoundTraxx (pre-Tsunami) or QSI. Things are definitely looking up.

Well I have figured that my former favorite MRC has hit a rocky spot becuase all I hear about now is how crummy they are in performance. The Spectrum locos are equipped with what type/brand of decoders? I thought that Bachmann made their own, but I’m not quite sure. Thanks for the input.


Thanks for the answers. It seems like my favorite (Bachmann) seems to be what I am leaning toward.


Actually Bachmann DCC locos (not sound) have a very low grade lenz decoder which is pretty primitive. Many are replacing them with better decoders. this is why Bachmann DCC are so cheap.

Why does everyone always forget Phoenix Sound, they have had 32 bit sound before the others even thought of it.

You get what you pay for. Remember that. Bachmann is cheap. If you want great sound,buy a Proto2000, Atlas, or BLI. (Diesels). I was able to purchase a proto2000 SW8 for $99.99 through Walthers catalog half price sale.It has QSI quantum sound and sounds fantastic. Look for deals like that, you won’t be disappointed.

Sooner or later, if you haven’t already, you’ll probably want sound. Take my advice, save a little more money and get the Atlas Dash 8. I took this photo of mine today. It’s a good running machine with fine sound, even better (to me) than my BLI and P2K engines.


No bachmann diesel has sound, due to no Diesel Tsunami.
BTW, soundtraxx, mrc, and qsi…
You forgot PFM and PBL.

I also got one of those P2K Sw-8’s with DCC sound. For a hundred dollars, this was a steal. It looks, runs and sounds great. I also have a BLI Hudson 4-6-4 which I got from Trainworld for $129. This has QSI sound, and again it’s a bargain that is not to be missed.

I’d wait for a deal on a sound-equipped engine rather than buy one that’s silent. If you’re not interested in sound, then you may be better off picking up something without a decoder at Trainworld or M.B. Klein and adding a decoder to it.

I noticed later on while browsing that the Bachmann diesels don’t have sound. If I can spend $100 on a P2K unit w/ hopefully sound, I would be more than happy. The sound is one of the more appetizing features of DCC that I want to make an investment into. My MRC sound station is ok for horns, but isn’t very loud.



In all reality, you can invest in sound without investing in DCC…


[#ditto] I don’t know how sound and DCC became synonymous to the masses, probably just because most people’s first exposure to sound was DCC. My favorite sound unit is still the PFM DC system.

P.S. Back to the point. NONE of this is an investment, these are toys that will lose value over time.

P.P.S. Walthers is having a sale on E8 units with sound for $109.

You can even us DCC sound and lights with Atlas or BLIs Quantum Engineer Controller…


Then BLI will be producing DC Sound equipped locomotives.


Soooo.Operate in silence no more with DC…


I may be mistaken, but I think that Beegle and modelers that have posted similar comments are referring to the “extras” that you get with sound in DCC mode which includes being able to upload specific horns, whistles, prime movers, etc., on to sound decoders from Lok Sound, Digitrax, and pretty soon, QSI. Add to that, the cool effects like reverb will also be adjustable.

A very good example of this is after a friend of mine installed a Lok Sound system in one of his HO SCL locomotives. I told him that I clearly remembered that as they aged, some of Seaboard Coast Line’s EMD and GE diesels had lonnnnnng air pop off sounds, instead of the short ones that you typically hear on BLI diesels.

Long story-short…he found and uploaded a very impressive diesel pop-off from the Lok Sound website. Fantastic!
