DCC Wiring diagram for Athearn Genesis Rs-3

I just got an Athearn Genesis series engine and would like to install DCC . Unfortunantly, the original manufacterer’s PCB board was removed. Does anyone know where I could get a wiring diagram for this engine? The last thing I want to do is contact Athearn, so if someone could post a link to a site with the diagram, it would be great!

You shouldn’t need it. If you simply trace the wires you can figure out which ones are the power pick-up, Motor, and LED’s/bulbs. Then use the DCC wiring diagram that comes with the decoder to hook it up. Remember to use dropping resistors for the bulbs or led’s

Yes normally your right. It seems the RS3 only has power pickups on the left side of the engine. The decoder calls for power on the right side as well.

There has to be a right side pick up. The loco wouldn’t work otherwise.

Here’s an exploded view I found. Looks like the RS3 isn’t a genesis. Looking at the view it appears that on the cab end the pick up is on the right and the other end the pick up is on the left. That is if I’m seeing the right thing. I’m looking at the small electrical looking tab with hole next to the gear on the top of each truck.


The Genesis line did not include a RS3.

I have a pair of Athearn RTR RS3’s and that is probably what you are referring to. There is no wiring diagram, just a parts diagram which does not include any wiring schematic.

Incidentally, the early RS3 engines were DCC-equipped which required a plug in decoder, so if you are missing the original board, you are going to need to replace that too. For what it’s worth, I used Digitrax DH163D decoder.

I don’t understand your reluctance to contact Athearn. Their customer service is excellent and that is where you need to turn for help with this particular project.


The frame is used as the other pickup point. If you look you will see a wire connected to one of the outside posts ont he circuit board which is short and just loops under the board. It has a ring terminal on it which is sandwiched between the circuit board and the frame by the screw tha tholds the circuit board in.

For best results solder some wire to the side of the trucks that don;t already have wires and use that. The brass rivets holding the metal plate to the plastic are a good soldering point. This will result in a much more reliable connection than via the truck bolster into the frame.


YEah its not a Genesis, and the best thing I can tell I got two front trucks. Randy you said exactly what I was thinking as far as the leads go and its good to know it uses the power from the body on the other side. I let everyone know how it works out!