DCC wiring help

This is my second layout. Unfortunately the first layout that i was part of was built by my dad and I and he did all the wiring on it, and now he has passed away. I have no clue where to start at with wiring my layout. I’m looking for some help from some of you if possible or if someone knows a good book i can purchase so i can get my layout up and running. Thank you very much!

I presume that if “all the wiring” was an issue than it was a DC block controlled system. Since you are using DCC just connect the two wires from the DCC control unit to the track and go. The two exceptions are if you used hot frog power routing turnouts (such as Shinohara or Peco Electrofrog.) Then there have to be come extra gaps and possibly wire feeders. The second exception is if there is any place where the train can reverse directions (reversing loop, wye, turntable). In this case you will need to buy and wire in an automatic reversing loop unit, or wire up a good old DPDT switch.

On smaller layouts, DCC is fairly straight forward (see Texas Zepher’s post above). If you need some reading matter try

Thanks alot fellas.I will sit here tonight and read through the info. It sounds fairly simply though and i hope that it’s as easy as it sounds. Thanks Again!

There is also a video that has just been released through the “Dream-Plan-Build” series of DVDs from Model Railroader magazine. The DVD is called “Installing DCC From Start To Finish” and I would recommend it to any first time DCC inquirer…

The video covers all the layout track installations, reverse loops, switch machines, signalling, and boosters. It also shows decoder installations in different engines…


Thx for the info you wouldn’t happen to know what volume that dvd was?

Hi, the DVD is a special release and there is no Volumne number associated with it…

Their e-mail address is: DPBVideos@cust-serv.net

Thank You Sir