I am set up for DCC using MRC prodigy 2 but when i buy a new engine with Tsunami dcc and sound board i can not program on main or on program track. I purchased a digitrax program booster but it still doesn’t work perfect i’m wondering if it is something i’m doing wrong or is it something with MRC and Tsunami boards. One other problem i have 5 Inter-mountain engines and 2 Athearn Genesis i can not get them programed for 2 separate consists of a 3 and 2 engine consists using either the old or the new consists

It sounds like there is something wrong with your Prodigy. I have no problem programming Tsunami, QSI, LokSound, or any other brand of decoders with my NCE system.

Digitrax does not make a program ‘booster’ - The PR3 can be used as a ‘stand-alone’ booster(direct from your PC tp the PR3’s program track output via Decoder Pro software. With a large output power supply, you may be able to program your Tsunami decoders.

The only program boosters I am aware of are the Soundtraxx PTB-200 and the DCC Specialties PowerPax boosters. The Tsunami decoder sometimes needs a lot of power - Something most program tracks cannot provide. That said, I have programmed Tsunami’s at the club with a Digitrax DCS200 system and a PowerPax booster. I have also programmed them at home with a Digitrax Zephyr Xtra in ‘blast mode’ .

If you have the address programmed into the engine, there should be no issue doing a consist, unless you have not broken the old consist and the engine you are trying to add is still in another consist…


If the Digitrax “program booster” you’re referring to is in fact a PR3, I can confirm that if set up properly as a stand-alone programmer, with a sufficiently robust power supply, it will easily read/write to Soundtraxx Tsunami and LC, QSI, and of course Digitrax sound decoders.

I use an 18VDC regulated power brick with my PR3, and it hasn’t yet met a decoder it can’t reliably read/write, including the above-mentioned sound decoders.

The booster i have isn’t a digitrax i made a mistake when i put that in it’s PTB-100 Sound Trax

You could contact MRC and/or Soundtraxx since no one has responded with direct MRC experience. The PTB-100 should do the trick. I can program sound decoders in ops mode or service mode using the PTB-100–no problems with either of our Digitrax systems.


I have the MRC Prodigy Sq system and had a small problem as you have. As strange as it sounds, I had the best luck programming decoders when the loco was directly over the closest feeder to the base unit. Even doing this, it took a couple of tries. This problem only occurred with Tsunamis, I’ve programmed QSI, BLI , Digitrax, and MRC decoders without problems.