!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DD40X Centennial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WERE ARE THE CENTENNIALS! If anyone knows a site please tell me. Or any hobby stores in Iowa. I can’t find any on the Internet. Help! Need One Badly! Thanks.

may be wrong but think they haven’t even shipped from china yet.

The last we heard about any of the Legacy equipped engines, other than BB, was maybe in December. ditto for the Legacy II systems. Next week we’re expecting to get another shipment of HWX and Lincoln Logs that’ll give us some store inventory since all previous deliveries covered pre-orders.

Lionel is making a Centennial? This is news to me! I’d buy one if it wasn’t expensive or it could negotiate O48 curves (it’d probably have to be a LionMaster for that…)

Three very nice stores in Iowa that I use, not in order of importance.

Hobby Haven–Des Moines

Boone Hobby–Boone

Caboose Stop Hobbies–Cedar Falls, one of the biggest inventories in the mid west.
