Decision pending on UK high speed line

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Decision pending on UK high speed line

What do they call NIMBYs in England: “Not In My Back Dog-parkers”? “Not In My Back Cat-boxers”? “Not In My Trash-binners”?

If this doesn’t get built then I hope the pesent routes get upgraded to the max. Whatever it takes is what should be done to cut travel times as much as humanly possible whether a new line is built or not.

Very rich NIMBY’s - foxhunting and stately home territory is being encroached on!! On the other hand any government that reverses the plan will lose most of the seats of the area north of London, which has noted that some 75% of new rail expenditures are in London and its stockbroker belt.

When I read the headline, I knew the word “environmentalists” would be contained within. These wackos need to be stopped now. The Western world will grind to a halt otherwise as China, India and the third world nations advance beyond us. Truer than ever: Environmentalism equals anti-capitalism.

Isn’t this ironic? What more environmentally friendly mode of transportation than rail could these environmentalists want? More and wider motorways jammed with cars? More flights clogging the airways? Or would they prefer to let their economy slowly grind to a halt? Ah, but members of Parliament and economists are backing the plan. We could use a lot more of that in the US.

Seems UK and the US has one thing in common; lack of high speed railroads. And both countries needs them, more than ever!