I have a DCC Ready Bachman Spectrum 2-8-0 Consolidation that I want to convert to DCC with sound. Which decoder should I buy to have a good sound for that type of locomotive? Any advise will be appreciated.
I have a DCC Ready Bachman Spectrum 2-8-0 Consolidation that I want to convert to DCC with sound. Which decoder should I buy to have a good sound for that type of locomotive? Any advise will be appreciated.
Soundtraxx used to have a plug and play decoder made especially for those. It was called an LC280 but is out of production for a few years. Sometimes they can be found at train shows and dealers with old stock.
Lately I have been using the Loksound Select decoders. They come loaded with different prime mover sounds and up to 16 whistles that are selected by using CVs. The motor control is fantastic.
I have not had the opportunity to try a QSI Titan decoder yet. With 10 functions it is a bit much for us steam modelers. All the Tsunamis I have put in and have had given me fits in the motor control area. They tend to jump start instead of a smooth transition. Smooth starting is one of the desires I have over sound.
The Tsunami is very good for this loco. Cut the capacitors on the PC board as those affect slow speed which many have found out and are still finding out.
Make sure to order the 9 pin to 8 pin adapter. Cut back the shrink a little. Remove the connector, install the adapter.
Look at the below link for a lot of details when using the Tsunami.
A suggested intall below.
I use the Tsunami decoders.
I cannot comment on which LokSound to use as they are made in the EU and have many versions. Litchfield has helped me a lot and they can upload the appropriate sound.