I have just converted my layout to DCC and am very pleased with it. I have a few locos that are DCC ready, and have been running them. Now I am ready to convert some of my older locos to DCC. All the literature and articles I have read make it sound easy, but I have a Mantua 0-6-0 switcher that has a 9 pin Digitrax socket, and I cannot find a decoder that has a compatible 9 pin plug. Does such an animal exist, or do I purchase a 9 pin plug from somewhere (?) and solder it to a decoder, or do I remove the socket altogether and attach the decoder leads to the socket leads? Any help would be appreciated.
Well Pappy, from what you describe, you need the Digitrax DHWHPS 9 pin harness, which you can can “plug in” any decoder.
You can also get this with out the 9 pin plug, just wires, you attach yourself.
Look at the NCE T1 decoders…simple, small, and have the 9-pin connector, so you just plug it in.
I think you mean the TCS T-1 decoder …
TCS T1, NCE D13SRJ - both have 9 pin connectors. Decoders with 9 pin connectors are quite common from every manufacturer. If you look carefully at many of the ones that appear to come as plain wires, at the decoder end the wires are attached to a 9 pin connector that plugs in to the decoder.
Maybe to clarify - most decoders, except the newer 21-pin ones and the ‘postage stamp’ ones with 8 pins connected directly to them - have a 9-pin connection. Often the 9-pin connection is used to connect the decoder to an 8-pin harness. Sometimes the decoder’s covering (sort of a heavy tape) covers the joint between the decoder and the harness, so it looks like the decoder is ‘hard wired’ with an 8-pin receptacle…but you can trim the cover back a little and remove the harness to expose the 9-pin connection.