Acutally, it is up to the kind folks at JMRI to allow compatability with the new MRC interface. The MSRP of the MRC connection is just crazy. It costs more than the PA itself!
David B
Acutally, it is up to the kind folks at JMRI to allow compatability with the new MRC interface. The MSRP of the MRC connection is just crazy. It costs more than the PA itself!
David B
If you go to MRC’s web site you will find two flavors of computer interfaces listed: wireless ($180) and full kit ($270).
Both of these seem to be on the pricey side unless they’re also including some killer software with it. I sure hope they don’t write DecoderPro out of the picture … in today’s market, going proprietary is a sure way to cut your market share way down. It’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
If they’re not going proprietary in some fashion, then their prices seem out of line with what the other vendors are charging. And if they are going proprietary, they’ll have to convince us that forking over another $100 - $200 for a computer interface from them buys you something extra you don’t get from any other vendor.
I hope I’m just being paranoid, but MRC’s approach to the DCC market with some of their products bothers me.
First, we have their decoders, which they totally lowballed on and almost everyone I talk to reports MRC decoders fail very early, are quirky and just don’t hold up. I’ve also heard that MRC’s response to people who contact them is “hey, it’s just a cheap decoder”. Anytime a vendor feels it’s okay to make and sell junk, that bothers me.
Now we have the way things are shaping up with their computer interface. I hope I’m wrong, but it feels an awful lot like bait and switch – get you to buy their system by pricing it very competively – but once you’re hooked, make you pay extra for accessories.
Like I said, I hope I’m just being paranoid and this all turns out to have a happy ending.
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong - but it appears that a SPROG-2 unit (about $110) connected via a DPDT switch (PA on the other switch position) would be a reasonable work-around to use Decoder Pro with the Prodigy Advance DCC systems for a lot less money. Use the SPROG and Decoder Pro to set up/program your locomotives, and use the PA to operate the layout.
just a thought - I’ve yet to try it personally.
Fred W
How does SPOG-2 work? Can you program on the main with more than one loco moving for speed matching?
Actually, I think it is more dependant on MRC making the communication protocol available to JMRI. Someone who works for MRC has actually asked what users want in the PC interface software on the Yahoo MRC group. The overwhelming response was to make it compatible with JMRI software, so who knows, maybe they will listen to their users and do it(I wouldn’t bet on it, but maybe).
My understanding is the $180 interface is for just the PC side of it if you already have the wireless conversion or the wireless base station, and the $270 kit includes the wireless transceiver for the base station. What I don’t understand is why wouldn’t they do a lower cost wired version, especially since one of MRC’s saling points is low cost. Personally, I don’t see any need for the PC interface to be wireless in most circumstances since you would want to the PC in the same room as the layout(I can see how it could be handy for remote dispatching), and you’re not likely going to be walking around the room carrying your PC like you would a wireless throttle.
[quote user=“fwright”]
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong - but it appears that a SPROG-2 unit (about $110) connected via a DPDT switch (PA on the other switch position) would be a reasonable work-around to use Decoder Pro with the Prodigy Advance DCC systems for a lot less money. Use the SPROG and Decoder Pro to set up/program your locomotives, a
Actually the Prodigy Advance Squared MSRP is $359.98 whereas the complete computer interface MSRP is $269.98. Of course street prices are always much lower than the MSRP.
The wireless interface units have been listed on the MRC website for quite awhile. With all of the communication by MRC users to MRC (at MRC’s request), maybe the final product will be much different. But of course we are all just speculating on this subject and only time will tell.
Using a SPROG USB device you do not need a command station attached to the programming track.
My computer and my layout are on different floors of the house. I set the decoder CV’s at the computer with DecoderPRo and the SPROG. DecoderPro has a ‘throttle’ which allows me to test the loco on a small programming track attached to the SPROG.
Google SPROG to find the US seller.
Would you be willing to share the design of your $5 circuit to hook up the Zephyr?
I ususally just read forums and never join in and offer my experience, but this thread interested me greatly. I have an NCE Power Pro wireless that I bought several years ago. Shortly after buying the NCS I ran across the JMRI website. I downloaded the program and have had a great experience ever since. If you can navigate any Windows OS you can use Decoder Pro without any problems. IMO if more modelers, dealers and manufacturers would support this product, DCC would be more acceptable to the hobby. Even model railroad publications seem to want to make DCC more complicated than it really is. When you start discussing CV this and CV that you are going to scare people off. I gave myself a migraine headache trying to learn hexa decimal unnecessarily. Decoder Pro has the best explanation of setting low speed and high speed locomative settings I have come across.
I use Soundtraxx decoders and have had only one problem with them and that was a self inflicted problem with a soldering iron. They repaired it for a very reasonable price and I was on the rails in no time.
Hope this helps with your decision.
I found it at the bottom of this page:
I have a question for you, I have a walthers proto-2000 steam loco, i use the bli/atlas engineer to run the DC sounds, it also has dcc, but i think i would have to change the sound decoder to dcc, right?, but my question is can you use the decoder pro and interface with DC, i’m now trying to decide what DCC system that i want to use, i’ve couple of broadway engines with dc sound, on order, i’ll just keep reading the threads on dcc systems, which ones are good and ones that are not so good.
thanks for your help steam618lover1 Earl
If you have any experience with computers you shouldn’t have any trouble getting Decoder Pro to work it is really easy to use. The great thing about it is you can save all your decoder info and redo them if something happens to their programming. It sure beats trying to speed match two locos then having a decoder go out and trying to remember what you had it set at. And after you get all your decoders programmed you can print out the settings for future reference work. Decoder Pro also allows you to clear the internal working slots on your DCC system so you do not run out of working space, especially on digitrax systems. You can even get lazy and run your trains from the desktop of your computer which is kinda cool.
I have a question for you, I have a walthers proto-2000 steam loco, i use the bli/atlas engineer to run the DC sounds, it also has dcc, but i think i would have to change the sound decoder to dcc, right?, but my question is can you use the decoder pro and interface with DC, i’m now trying to decide what DCC system that i want to use, i’ve couple of broadway engines with dc sound, on order, i’ll just keep reading the threads on dcc systems, which ones are good and ones that are not so good.
thanks for your help steam618lover1 Earl
I’m affraid you are a little confused. You are not running DC sounds via the Quantum/Atlas Engineer, you are running DCC sounds. You will not be required to replace any decoder because they are all ready DCC. DCC can run on DC, you simply don’t mave much control of the decoder (unless you get the Quantum Engineer as you did)
No you can not use DecoderPro and interface with any DC controler but you can use DecoderPro with the Digitrax MS-100 or PR-2 as they are stand alone programmers that can be used by DecoderPro.
Once you have made your mind up on which DCC system you purchase, then look into the interface required and buy it.
No you can not use DecoderPro and interface with any DC controler but you can use DecoderPro with the Digitrax MS-100 or PR-2 as they are stand alone programmers that can be used by DecoderPro.
You’re actually a little confused yourself! [;)]
The MS100 isn’t a stand-alone programmer. It’s an interface that allows communication between a computer and a LocoNet.
In other words, the MS100 allows the computer to “talk” to the command station that’s actually doing the programming.
“Decoder Pro and Interface…are they worth it?”
If you have an NCE power pro DCC system, don’t bother. IMO The NCE is so easy to use it would be harder learning how to use Decoder Pro.
“Decoder Pro and Interface…are they worth it?”
If you have an NCE power pro DCC system, don’t bother. IMO The NCE is so easy to use it would be harder learning how to use Decoder Pro.
Gandy, doesn’t sound like you’ve ever used DecoderPro …
I have an NCE system and while I love its great user interface, DecoderPro does so many other things so much easier, there’s no comparison.
I can save ALL the CV settings from ALL my decoders to my PC and recall them in a few seconds with a few mouse clicks. If I ever need to completely reset a decoder back to my saved settings, it’s a couple of mouse clicks and then in about 30 seconds ALL my settings are restored. Can’t do that with any DCC system, even NCE.
If I install a similar decoder in another loco, I can copy the settings from another decoder in my fleet and in less than 60 seconds, voila! The new decoder has all the CV settings I like. Try doing that with NCE.
If I’m speed matching two locos, with DecoderPro, I can program on the main and bring up the two loco speed panels side by side. Speed matching locos doesn’t get any simpler!
If I can’t remember what CV does what (especially true for sound decoders that can have 50+ CV settings), not a problem. DecoderPro labels the settings in plain english (Bell volume, not CV161), and gives me a slider to adjust the volume.
DecoderPro just gives you so much power and makes things so point and click easy that I almost never do straight throttle handset programming any more. Until you’ve used DecoderPro, you just can’t appreciate how it so outshines onsey-twosey CV programming with a DCC system handset!
You’re actually a little confused yourself! [;)]
The MS100 isn’t a stand-alone programmer. It’s an interface that allows communication between a computer and a LocoNet.
In other words, the MS100 allows the computer to “talk” to the command station that’s actually doing the programming.
Wrong yes, confused no !.. You are quite right, my mistake. I did not double check.
The PR-1, PR-2 are/were the stand alone ones. Now we wait for the PR-3 which should do both; MS-100 and PR-2.
… Until you’ve used DecoderPro, you just can’t appreciate how it so outshines onsey-twosey CV programming with a DCC system handset!
I absolutely, totally and completely agree with all that is said above. Having used it for the last few years it is well worth the time and effort to learn it. I appreciate it so much, I donated to JMRI.
I have an NCE system and while I love its great user interface, DecoderPro does so many other things so much easier, there’s no comparison.
WooHoo!! Looks like Joe and I can finally agree on a DCC topic! [:D][:D][:D]
I use Digitrax, and while I don’t find programming with the DT400 to be difficult, Joe hit the nail on the head with the above statement.
He also did a nice job of summing up how easy it is to perform useful programming tasks that as far as I know, can’t be done natively with any DCC system.
The only nit I have with Joe’s description is that I don’t think he stressed enough how well laid out and easy to use the various screens are. And not just “plain english”, but a number of other languages as well thanks to JMRI’s contributors.
And while it may be a little off-topic for this thread, when you also consider how powerful PanelPro, the other part of JMRI, is - Wow!
So unless your particular DCC system’s computer interface is priced way out of line (MRC, are you listening?), and maybe even then, my opinion is Yes, it’s well worth it!
As a side note, I’m planning to video 3 of the JMRI clinics at the NMRA National in Anaheim, and post them on the web.
I’ll likewise be videoing my own two clinics (one on DCC and one on the latest about my layout and other hobby projects) and posting them on the web as well.
I’m hoping the videos of the DCC clinics (especially the JMRI/DecoderPro ones) will be helpful to people. There’s nothing like seeing things in action to finally have it “click” in your brain.