Decoder problems in Atlas Alco S4s

I own two Atlas HO Alco S4 locomotives. Last year I had problems with both of their decoders and sent them bact to Atlas for repairs under the warranty. Last week the same problem came up in one of these locomotives. The locomotive ran fine one day then the next day after running some of my other engines I programmed in the Atlas and got no response. Put it on the program track,and got nothing there either. Has anyone else had problems with these engines? Have an Atlas GP40 and have had no problems whatsoever. Running them on NCE Power cab/Pro cab.

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Welcome to the forum, PNibs!

I can’t answer your question, but in the Model Railroader part of the forum, there is a subcategory of Electronics and DCC. You might get a better response there.

Good luck with the locomotives!

Are they LokSound decoders?

Did Atlas repair them or replace them?

Did Atlas say what the problem was?


They replaced two that were still under warranty about this time last year. I’m not sure what type they were whatever Atlas was putting in them back then. And they never said what the problem was.
