decoder problems? or system problems?

I currently have an N scale layout that is about 14’x5’ table top my track is all Kato unitrack and the majority of my locos are Kato aswell except for 3 Atlas and one Bachmann the Atlas locos have standard drop in Digitrax decoders all the Kato locos have a drop in MRC sound decoder and the Bachmann has its own that came with it. I should also mention that I have a Digitrax Zepyer system as my command station. Now my problem is that one of my Kato locos ( the GE P42 Amtrak) sound will shut off at certain pionts on the layout its like it hits a dead spot, however it doesnt do it if it is the only train running only when others are running. I know that the Zepyer can only handel 10 addresses and i have just that, however not all are running at the same time usually about five are though. Originally I thought it might be the wiring so I redid all the wireing to a larger size but it still does it. And its the only loco that has this problem.

The ten Zephyr slots are not the trouble. You would get a Slot=Max message if it were.

Do you have additional throttles plugged in? Perhaps a DT400? If the address is selected on te Zephyr and another throttle the decoder would be sent the speed setting for both throttles. If one is set to 00, occasionally it would stop. It gets really interesting if one is set to reverse.[:(]

A few questions:

  1. Are you running the P42 continuously in a session, i.e., runs the layout while you switch with freight units?

  2. What is the value set in CV29; does it match all the other locomotives?

  3. Is this the only P42 unit you own with DCC sound?

  4. Are there any other symptoms at the time of the sound dropout - flashing lights, stopping and starting, etc?

My thoughts go directly to the MRC decoder. Was it installed properly? Are the contacts making contact properly?

David B

  1. Yes, it runs through out the session, at least untill I get fed up with it.

  2. CV29 seems to be unprogramable with MRC decoders my decoder manuel gives a default value but nothing on how to change it and no other possible values to plug in. All other MRC decoders that I have seem to be the same way according to their manuels.

  3. Yes, this is the only P42 I have with sound however I do have four other loco’s that have sound and they operate fine.

  4. Yes, the lights go out and the loco slows down for about 2-3 sec. then its back to normal untill it hits that same spot again.

By the way i do have two additional throttles connected to the jump ports on the Zepyer (Kato power packs). And I usually run a couple consists on those throttles never more then three locos per consist though and never more then five or six total.

I checked the decoder several times and it seems to be ok, and i followed the directions when i installed it and i can still access the programing features when i want to program it. Do you think it could have dirty wheels keeping it from getting a steady signal?

If the event occurs consistently at the same location, it is possible the locomotive has a poor electrical connection from the pickups to the decoder’s power input. I would also look for frame burrs, casting flash, or anything else that could cause a millisecond short. Checking the electrical path leading to the decoder input with an ohmmeter while moving the trucks back and forth and up and down might expose a clue.

If it is happening at certain spots on the layout, my first suggestion is to try cleaning the track in those spots. Also make sure that none of the brass strips that transfer current from the wheels to the circuit board on the P42 have gotten knocked out of alignment. If one of the brass strips is out of alignment to where the P42 is not picking up current from one side of one of the trucks, the other truck hitting the dirty spot could be causing the problem, but if all of your other locos are picking up current from all of their wheels, they might not have a problem. Also, running this engine by itself, their may be enough voltage to get through the dirt, but running it with other engines may cause enough voltage drop to where there is not enough voltage to get through.

The 10 slot limit is how many you can have RUNNING at the same time, it is not a limit on the number you can have on the layout at the same time. The Zephyr can handle over 9000 addresses, but can only run 10 at a time.

It might not be your engine but one of the cars it’s pulling. Maybe one is shorting out on a turnout.