I am fortunate enough to be getting a Bachmann EZ Command (although I know some of you would say that I’m unfortunate). Anyway, I have two engines that I’d like to put decoders in. The Bachmann Acela and a new P2k E6. I saw on GatewayMNRA’s website that they recommend the TCS TH150DP (which is now the DP5X I believe) for the Acela and for the P2K E7 (not the E6).
Does anyone know for certain that the DP5X fits easily in both of these locos? Does the E6 require the extension plug?
Also, does anyone have a recommendation for the Dummy Acela engine? It doesn’t have the 8 pin socket in it.
Does anyone that has these two engines have any CV value recommendations for this decoder? Since I’ll have the EZ Command, I can’t make CV value changes myself. I’m hoping to take it to my LHS and have them change the values. If you have recommended CV’s, can you specify what they’re used for?
Thanks in advance.