DecoderPro, Digitrax PR3 and my computer

My Digitrax PR3 finally arrived. I’ve been looking at the instructions that came with it and it looks easy to hook it up to my computer and programing track. One question remains. I notice that the PR3 has what appear to be mounting holes on it. It looks to me that these holes are to small for screws and if that is the case what would you recommend I use to mount it?


Wow, that’s an interesting question! I’ve had my PR3 for a while, and use it a lot, but always with my laptop so mounting it never occurred to me (although I suppose I’ll get to that at some point).

Anyway, I just checked my PR3, and 6-32 machine screws or #6 wood or sheet metal screws are a perfect fit. You could probably also use #4’s if you want.

Either way, make sure you mount it on a flat surface and just snug up the screws. You don’t want to risk cracking the printed circuit board by flexing it too much.


The holes are the same size as their loconet panels which is a #6 screw. Like steve said just mount it on a flat surface and don’t over tighten.

Well, I put it together this morning. I drilled three holes on one end of a 4" x 24" x 1" basswood plank and mounted the PR3 there with #6x3/4" sheet metal screws. I also took some N-Scale snap track, a rerailed and terminal section and attached them with metal joiners and then glued them to the plank with Woodlands Scenics Foam Glue. I also used terminal joiners at the center to connect this to the programing leads on the PR3. I haven’t attached it to my computer just yet because I want to let the glue dry overnight. Right now pushpins are holding the track tight so I really can’t do much else at least until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Now since tomorrow in Thanksgiving and she who must be obeyed needs me to do some things around the house, I probably wont get to do anything before Friday morning. I’ll tak esome photos and post them then.
