What the title says, I’m working on setting a goal and finishing it, I have three Athearn AMTK P42s that I’d like to get operational, I’d like to have DCC and Sound, how much spending am I looking at here?
Check online. I have used Litchfield Station and Tony’s Trains.
For sound: Figure $100-$120 per locomotive for decoder and speaker. You might want to also add the following, if you don’t already have them:
- Pack of 28-30 AWG flexible wire (Miniatronics)
- Kapton tape (Litchfield): 3/8" wide - For insulating and/or securing decoder to chassis
- Double-stick foam tape (Any hardware or home center) - For securing decoder to top of motor
I like Litchfield for purchasing DCC items because the prices are good and they tell you if the item is in stock. Tony’s Train Exchange is also good for prices but they don’t always have the items listed in stock.
A decent and inexpensive motor-only decoder will run you $15-$20. Digitrax and NCE are good decoders. I prefer TCS for their excellent motor control but they cost more.
If this is your first time installing a decoder I would encourage you to start with a motor-only decoder. When you’ve gained some experience then tackle a sound installation. Better to fry an inexpensive motor-only decoder than a more expensive sound decoder.
Hi Steven:
My first piece of advice is to choose a decoder and use the same type of decoder in as many installations as possible. The reason is very simple. Different decoders operate in somewhat different ways. If you have decoders from let’s say three different manufacturers you may find it a bit confusing trying to remember what command does what for each of the different decoders. If everything has the same basic decoder, everything operates exactly the same way - no confusion. I have several different sound decoders by different manufacturers and it is a PITA to remember how each one operates.
As far as which decoder, I strongly recommend Loksound Select sound decoders for several reasons:
First, they are well priced. Tony’s currently has them for $85.95 USD.
Second, they sound really great! In fact, their new ‘Full Throttle’ engine and brake sound/function controls really add realism to operating your trains.
Third, their motor control is excellent right out of the box. They can actually adapt themselves to your motor’s performance, but almost all of the 20 or so Selects that I have installed worked properly right out of the box without any adjustments.
Fourth, you can change the sound file yourself if you want to use the decoder in a different engine (LokProgrammer required but many hobby shops have them and can do the reprogramming for you for peanuts).
Fifth, the software can be upgraded as new developments are made.
Sixth, (as if you needed more reasons) they run cool. No melted shells. Many older decoders and even some of the newer ones can get hot.
What I don’t recommend is buying older decoders from places like eBay just because they are cheap. You get what you pay for, and having everything run using the same commands is a huge benefit IMHO. Eventually I will replace all of my QSI, Soun
Stay away from digitrax sound bugs. They sound aweful
If you want cheap, MRC. They are more realiable as of late, but still years behind tech wise. The horns are decent.
Then Soundtraxx Economi 100’s. The horns are still weak.
After that the price starts to shoot up. loksound select → TCS WOW → Tsunami 2 ->QSI (as the price scale goes from low to high)