Delaware & Hudson and Lehigh Valley Steam Locomotives

I have some slides of steam locomotives from the fifites I’m trying to identify. Can you help me identify the following?

Lehigh Valley (?) #3354. Is this a Lehigh Valley locomotive and do you have any information on this class?

Delaware & Hudson #607. Do I have the correct railroad? The locomotive has smoke deflectors.


Here is a photo of D&H 607.
Tell me if the engine looks even a bit like the one you have a slide of. I can’t find the LV engine though.

That’s the correct locomotive, thanks. I have a slide in color and the autos behind the locomotive look like early fifities models. Do you know when the D&H stopped operating this locomtovies?

It was retired in either '52 or '53. The shot you have must have been taken during the twilight of the engine’s life.


George Drury’s book “Guide to N.A. Steam” doesn’t show a loco 3354. Could this be an Erie Railroad loco? Erie 3354 was a Berkshire that lasted into the 1950s and was generally like the NKP locomotives like 759.
