Deletion test...Possible to delete original reply?

So…first post. Of the topic, that is.

And, the inevitable second post of the thread, which also serves to see if post count goes down with deleted posts on the new system.

Okay, so I can’t delete that particlar one: Now let’s see if I can delete my previous one…

Interesting, so if you double-post, and one person presses “Reply” on each post, you can’t delete them…not good.

Now, when you delete a post, your post count goes down…fascinating.

So, can you delete a post without a reason?

No, you must send a reason…blargh. That could be annoying. Now let’s see if I can delete the enxt one with a reason of spaces…

Will try to delete this with "Reason: "

Okay, you actually have to enter a reason to delete a post…could get quite annoying when you get three emails saying…

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Subject: Re: Deletion test…Possible to delete original reply?

Reason: Quadruple post

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