
One of the trains I run has a consist of three FM Trainmasters pulling 26 to 30 old time ( 36’ & 40’ ) refers. Every once in a while I have a derailment. The odd thing is, there is always a beer car involved. Coincidence? [;)]

South Penn

Have you seen the sign you can hang on your wall: 24 hours in the day; 24 beers to a case; coincidence…I think not!

quote user=“SouthPenn”]

there is always a beer car involved. Coincidence?

South Penn

Are they hauling lite beer ?? [:D]



No, the proper question is: Was it loaded at the time of the incident? And, bigger question, what was the status when the train crew started the day? [:-^]

Quick and dirty answer. Move the beer to rubber-wheeled transporters. Viola, no more derailments…

Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)


The consequence: Grade crossing accidents, resulting in beer-covered locos.


LIONS do not drink beer. The Zookeeper does not approve of LIONS drinking beer. Zookeeper is not pleased with LIONS drinking FIVE GALLONS of Diet Pepsi a week either, but that does not stop our LION. Better to buy more Pepsi than to have the LION growling and snarling all afternoon.

Derailments. I think this thread got derailed.

LION was having derailments in the tunnel at Dyckmann Street. Turn out that a nail at a track join had worked itself up and was tripping the trains. LION removed the top of the tunnel and re seated the nail. It was one that was applied at the joint to eliminate a kink. LIONS do things like that, ewe know.