detailing gp7

i was reading the article on detailing the sd40 yesterday and i thought how about doing my ndem gp7 (bb) it’s still being painted but i would like to detail it, sounds like a great little project so my next step was checking the background on these locos, and i found out that they were mainly bought second hand from erie and Santa fe, sooooo. which kits would any body recomend to use by detail west or should i just use

goldmedal models

304-8711 Detailing Set (Photo-Etched Metal) – For Diesel Locomotives (Parts for 2 Locomotives)

Detailing is always a fun project. Photos of the prototype are invaluable, both for getting the details right, and for suggesting what details there are to add. You can find photos on line and in back issues of the model press (Model Railroading, Rail Model Craftsman and the like) There is a web index to the magazines. Big city libraries may have back issues, and the publishers often have reprints for sale. The larger model railroad clubs will have a set of issues going back to the beginning of time. Also the NMRA has a library, and the NdeM railroad may have a historical society with even a website.

Straight forward details are glazed windows and operating headlamps. Wire grab irons and handrails always look good. See thru fans are cool too.

Once comment. Was it me, I’d do the superdetailing before painting.