Details of Conrail Merger

I’ve been really interested in the Conrail merger of 1998 when it was split between NS and CSX. I’ve read this months TRAINS magazine and I really found some good information in it. I’ve also been trying to do a lot of research on the Internet to learn about this merger. I’ve always been interested in the big Eastern Railroads, basically Illinois Central on east to the Atlantic Ocean. I was wondering if anybody knows of any details about this merger that most people don’t know about? For example, I found out from a friend here a while back that I think Conrail did something called Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction on the last day of operation (May 31, 1999) that hurt CSX, because they promised free service or something that day and CSX didn’t want to give free service making customers mad. I had never heard about that before. So, does anyone else know of any details about this merger?
I’d appreciatte any replys.

There have been several Conrail threads here in the forums. You might do a search here to find them. I started one called something like, Somebody Tell Me . . . , and there was some good feedback in that thread. This was at least over a year ago, it might be hard to find now, but like I said, it did have some really good info.

I have never heard anything about the Free Service. I would bet that was a joke.