I am looking for information about this locomotive. here is a link to a photo and more information.
any help would be great!
Hi Mike.
I´m a trainfan from germany and i think, i can help you. The idea for this loco was, to build a steam loco with single wheel drive for high speeds. the loco had no normal steam drive, every axle was powered by two v-steam cylinders. The unit (only one was planned and built) was first planned and 1937 and started running on passenger trains on April 30. 1943 between Hamburg and Berlin. Its service on this line ends in 1944, when it was lightly demmaged by american bombers. At the end of the war, it was sent to USA. Germany wants the loco back, but the usa won´t and it was scrapped in 1952. If you want, i can send you some slides and technical dates of this loco. I have informations about every german locomotive, steam, diesel and electric from 1890 til today. If i can, i will help you. Greetings from Germany, Micha. Michael-Kreiser@t-online.de