DeWitt Geeps

Does anyone know where I can find drawings for a DeWitt Geep? Ideally, there are drawings for the early ones with the squared-off roof, the angled roof, and the late roof with smaller raised areas --or better yet, someone makes a good N scale she’ll or conversion kit for one of these beasts. Thanks for your help.

Uncle_Bob, I seem to remember an article on these beasts that may have appeared in Railroad Model Craftsman magazine before White River bought it from Carstens. The issue might be late 1980s-mid 1990s. You might also contact the Penn Central historical society at or the Conrail historical society at The societies may have what you are looking for or, point you in the right direction.

You’re right about it being in RMC, but it’s not listed in the indices as “Dewitt geeps” but rather as “Conrail’s RS3m”. It’s the “Kitbash Award” winner in the December 1985 issue.

There are three photos of the model, and four prototype photos, along with two sketches, one a plan view of the top of the hood and a side view.

George Losse is the author of the article, and he did the later Conrail conversion, with the lower modifications to the long hood. One of the prototype photos shows the earlier Penn Central version with the taller hood modification.

In the context of what’s being done in kitbashing nowadays, the article is fairly sparse, but if you’d like me to scan the three pages, send me a PM with your e-mail address. I’m guessing that the photos won’t scan too well, as they’re a bit muddy-looking, but I’ll include them anyway.


If the OP really is talking about the RS3 DeWitts, there used to be a conversion kit available in HO at least, maybe it was available in N scale too, which I brought at least 20 years ago (never did anything with it, and not sure in which scrapbox the parts ended up). It was supposed to allow you to model this locomotive type using a Roundhouse RS-3 IIRC (I had one), and included the raised hood section, the new stacks, and several other detail parts (possibly including handrail stantions?). These kit parts were all cast metal.

CMR Products offers a DeWitt Geep shell in HO. I have no idea of what phase or the quality of the product.


I saw someone is selling a shell on eBay, but it’s HO too.

My parents bought me an issue of (I think) Railroad Modeller 40+ years ago that had an article about DeWitt Geeps, but I have no idea where it got to.

Thanks Doc. Uh, how do I send a PM? [:$]

It took me a couple of tries to remember the process: click on my usename to the left of the screen. This will take you to a different page, and near the top right side of it is the notation “Start a conversation”. Click on that, and you’ll get a composition window into which you can type your message. When done, click on the “Start conversation” icon near the bottom left of the window, which then sends the message. Once I have your e-mail address I’ll send the scans directly to it.


Bob, to make it easier for you, I’ve sent you a PM (Conversation). Simply click on “Messages” under your “Profile” near the top right of the screen, and reply to my message, including your e-mail address. I’ve scanned all three pages of the article, and did the third page as both b&w and, as the original, in-colour. That way, if you want to print the pages, you can save on toner by doing the b&w version, rather than the one in colour.


I tried to log in yesterday, but got an error message stating I don’t have an account. I managed to get in tonight, clicked to reply to your PM, and got a pink box saying I’m not authorized to read my messages. I suppose I can try again in a day or two, but honestly, I haven’t been able to log in and stay logged in long enough to post for months, so we could have to wait awhile. Sorry, and thanks for your help.

Not a problem, as I have the scans saved. Let me know when things straighten out, and I’ll send them along.


Thanks for the info, Doc. I appreciate your help.

Always pleased to be of assistance, Bob.


My copy of the Conrail Historical Society’s quarterly magazine arrived today. Almost the whole thing is about DeWitt Geeps and other Alco rebuilds. I wanted to pass this along in case anyone else is interested.