DH123D vs. DH123AT

I just had a quick question about Digitrax decoders. It’s probably common sense, but bear with me.

I have an engine with a DH123AT decoder installed (all of my engines except one are Athearn blue box, not DCC-read). Since I can see where all the wires are supposed to go, could I just buy the cheaper DH123D decoders and solder them in? Thanks in advance!

YES, they are the exact same decoder, just different wiring harnes. In fact you can remove the wiring harnes by unplugging it from the decoder. I have used both decoders. I have a fleet of Athearn BB SD40-2 and most are hard wired with DH-123 decoders.

Only good thing about the AT is you get a motor mount. I rather hard wire, but you never know when you will need the motor mount!

Cuda Ken

Thanks, Ken and Jim. I figured it’d work, but I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t a good reason NOT to do so before I went and bought a few.