DH163P v. DH123P

What features does the 163 have that the123 doesn’t?

That information would be posted on the Digitrax website under mobil decoders.

All features are the same between them except for those listed below:

123 Transponder ID to work with surround sound systems
2 FX3 Function Outputs

163 Simplified Scaleable Speed Stabilization (Back EMF)
Operations mode read back capability
White LEDs on decoders that come with LEDs
6 FX3 Function Outputs

Thanks for clearing that up. I installed 123s on a couple of BLI F7s that already had their sound system, so I was trying to figure out if I was missing something. Would the 163 features make any difference with the BLI system?

If you mean, “would the features make any difference in controlling the sounds”, I don’t think so. I have no blue-line equipment so cannot say from first hand experience, just from reading the on-line references. So unless you have a need for the transponding or want back-EMF there would be no advantage of having the 163.